Goddess Ganga, India.
Goddess Ganga, third largest river in the world flows 2.525 km through India and Bangladesh. The river basin is home to more than 600 million Indians (40% of India’s population). Pilgrims immerse the ashes of their kin in the Ganges to bring the spirits closer to moshka. (Hindu: liberation from the cycle of life and death) Spending 15 days on a float along the holy river was extremely unreal. Unreal in any way. We laughed, we cried, we danced, we sang, we ate tons of naan, we prayed and drank the best tea.
A very few personal words on this journey… During this trip we received many, many messages that we simply never answered to. You probably deserve an answer, even if it’s not the one you would want to hear. Why do you travel to a place like this? It looks so depressing. Why do you sail 15 days through the nowhere? Everything is so grey and sad, the river is ugly and you can’t swim there. (FYI, you can!) Why do you visit all the poor villages? Aren’t you afraid of getting sick? (yes, we obviously were but you have to accept the perks of traveling when one wants to see this planet.) Anyways – these were the most frequent questions throughout these two weeks in our inbox. There is just one answer people: It’s not India that was depressing, your messages were. (no, don’t feel offended!) You, the ones that think this trip is boring and not worth the journey should all go on a trip like this and start living life on our beautiful planet! Life takes place all over the world, not just in London, New York or Tokyo. (note: we love NYC!) Most of the (extremely poor!) people in India are happier than you and me together and they don’t even know what NYC looks like by the way. Luckily there were also beautiful little messages in our inbox – thank you for following our route along the Ganges, we hope you will also have a chance to go and explore this beautiful part of India. We are already planning a second trip to Goddess Ganga! x